Colloidal Silver Benifits

Colloidal Silver Benifits

Colloidal silver solutions are safe and are highly effective. It combats bacteria, fungal infections, and viruses. Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria and not fungus or viruses. It’s effective to those who are resistant to antibiotics. Plus, it doesn’t attack the good bacteria in your gut.

While antibiotics don’t touch viruses and fungus’s, colloidal silver eliminates them – making colloidal silver benefits incredibly useful. It eliminates anaerobic pathogens by destroying the enzymes that fend off oxygen molecules

  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Arthritis
  • Boosts the Immune System
  • Combats Yeast Infections
  • Combats Viruses
  • Diabetes
  • Eliminates Sinus Infections
  • Treats Eczema
  • Fights Candida Overgrowth
  • Heals Without Scarring
  • Herpes
  • Improves Eye Infections
  • Improves Skin Infections
  • Treats Ear Infections
  • Pink Eye
  • Itchy Scalp and Dandruff
  • Sinusitis
  • Stomach Ulcers
  • Stops the Common Cold and Flu
  • Inhibits Both Hepatitis B & C Viruses
  • Spares Good Bacteria
  • Kills Mould (Including Black Mould)
  • Kills Ringworms
  • Treats Urinary Tract Infections
  • PneumoniaPrevents Salmonella Growth
  • Prevents Infections on Wounds
  • Prevents Plaque Build-Up
  • Promotes Hair Growth
  • Supports the Immune System
  • Promotes Optimal Digestion
  • Purifies Water
  • Quickly Combats Food Poisoning
  • Relieves Insect Bites
  • Removes Athlete’s Foot
  • Removes Nail Fungus
  • Safe for Pets
  • Shingles
  • Infections
  • Shown to Kill Cancerous Cells
  • Used Internally or Topically
  • Skin Healing (Burns, Rashes, Scrapes)
  • Soothes and Heals
  • Sore Throat

How Safe is Colloidal Silver

Whereas prescription drugs are known to cause damage to the brain, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys, colloidal silver kills germs and pathogens without harming human tissue. Colloidal silver can be used externally, orally, or inhaled into the lungs. It is non-toxic, non-irritating, tasteless, and safe to drop in the eyes. It is safe and effective, even for children and pets.

Colloidal silver has the ability to suffocate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Even in low concentrations, colloidal silver has reported to kill over 650 germ organisms in six minutes or less by blocking the germs’ oxygen-providing enzymes. In comparison, penicillin and amoxicillin are effective against only six to twelve types of germ organism.

True Colloidal Silver

True Colloidal Silver

This is the least prevalent type of silver on the market because it has a high production cost. However, it is the safest product and the one that brings the benefits. The majority of the silver content is in the form of silver particles.

Ionic Silver

These solutions are usually clear like water, or slightly yellow. A quick test will show you if it’s ionic silver you have – just add regular table salt to it. If the liquid turns white and cloudy, it’s an ionic silver solution.

Silver Protein

If shaken, silver protein solution will produce a foam above the liquid that remains for several minutes – which is the best indicator of a colloidal silver. Silver protein products tend to claim they contain very high concentration values and will typically have a colour that is anywhere from light amber to black. This is an unsafe product and should be avoided